A horse is a noble animal, and is made for the service of man. No one
who has tender feelings can bear to see the horse abused. It is wicked
for any one to do so. A horse has a good memory, and he will never
forget a kind master. Jonas Carter is one of those boys who likes to
take care of a horse. His father gave Jonas the whole care of an
excellent animal which he purchased for his own use. Every morning he
would go i
to the stable to feed and water him. As all the horses in
the neighborhood had names, Jonas gave one to his, and called him
Major. Every time he went into the stable to take care of him, Major
would whine and paw, as if his best friend was coming to see him.
Jonas kept him very clean and nice, so that he was always ready for
use at any time of day. At night he made up his bed of straw, and kept
the stable warm in winter and cool in summer. Major soon found that
he was in the hands of a kind master, and being well fed, and well
cleansed, he would often show how proud and nice he was, by playing
with Jonas in the yard. His young master would often let him loose in
the yard, and when Jonas started to go in, the horse, Major, would
follow him to the door, and when he turned him into the pasture, no
one could so well catch him as Jonas; for every time he took him from
the pasture, Jonas would give him some oats; so when he saw his master
coming for him, he remembered the oats, and would come directly to
him. Some horses are very difficult to bridle, but it was not so with
Major. When Jonas came with the bridle, Major would hold his head
down, and take in his bitts, and appear as docile as a lamb. He well
knew that Jonas never drove him hard, but always used him kindly.
Jonas was not a selfish boy; he was willing to let his friends ride a
short distance; and in the picture, you will see him talking with one
of his young friends about his horse.
Now, children, you may be sure that a dumb animal will remember his
kind master; and if ever you own a horse, or drive one which belongs
to another, be sure and treat him kindly. And you will find this rule
to work well among yourselves. Be kind to each other, and to all
whom you meet with, and it will help you along the pleasant path of
life, and secure to you many friends.