I will tell you an affecting story about a young lad by the name of
Emerson Terry, who lived in Hartford, Ct. He was very kind to the
poor, and could never see the sufferings of his fellow beings without
making an effort for their relief. Here is one instance of his
kindness and liberality:
While he resided in Bristol, his father, Dr. Terry, took little
Emerson with him to ride into Hartford that he might
see the city.
Emerson had one dollar, and it was the first dollar he ever earned. He
took the dollar with him, thinking to buy something with it in the
city. While they were riding along on the way, they overtook a poor
fugitive slave seeking his freedom in the North. Mr. Terry kindly took
the wayfaring man into his carriage when the poor man related to him
his sufferings and poverty, and also his trust in God. Young Emerson's
heart was touched, when, of his own accord, he drew out his _first_
and _only_ dollar and gave it to the poor fugitive. When he returned
home he told his mother what he had done, with a satisfaction that
indicated his pleasure in being able to relieve a suffering stranger.
How noble was this act. He felt willing to forego the pleasure of
spending his dollar for himself, for any pleasing toys that he might
help a poor wanderer on the earth. When he was fifteen years of age,
he was drowned in the Connecticut river. He was beloved and respected
by a large circle of acquaintance. He was noted for his kind
disposition, tender feelings, and lovely spirit. He sleeps in peace,
and we all hope to meet him in heaven.