"Will you please teach me my verse, mamma, and then kiss me and bid me

good night," said little Roger, as he opened the door and peeped into

the chamber of his sick mother. "I am very sleepy, but no one has

heard me say my prayers." Mrs. L. was very ill, and her friends

believed her to be dying. She sat propped up with pillows and

struggling for breath, her eyes were growing dim, and her strength was

failing very fast.
She was a widow, and little Roger was her only

darling child. He had been in the habit of coming into her room every

night, and sitting in her lap, or kneeling by her side, while she

repeated some Scripture passages to him, or related a story of wise

and good people. She always loved to hear Roger's verse and prayer.

"Hush! hush!" said the lady who was watching beside the couch. "Your

dear mamma is too ill to hear you to night." And as she said this, she

came forward and laid her hand gently upon his arm as if she would

lead him from the room. "I cannot go to bed to night," said the little

boy, "without saying my prayers--I cannot."

Roger's dying mother heard his voice, and his sobs, and although she

had been nearly insensible to everything around her, yet she requested

the attendant lady to bring the boy and lay him near her side. Her

request was granted, and the child's rosy cheek nestled in the bosom

of his dying mother.

"Now you may repeat this verse after me," said his mother, "and never

forget it: 'When my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will take

me up.'" The child repeated it three times--then he kissed the pale

cheek of his mother, and went quietly to his little couch.

The next morning he sought as usual for his mother, but she was now

cold and motionless. She died soon after little Roger retired to his

bed. That was her last lesson to her darling boy---he did not forget

it. He has grown to be a man and occupies a high post of honor in

Massachusetts. I never can look upon him without thinking about the

faith so beautifully exhibited by his dying mother. It was a good


