Edward Ford owned a snug little cottage with a small farm situated

about a mile from the village. When he was married to Ellen G----, who

was said to be one of the best girls in the village, he took her to

his nice little home, where he had every thing around very pleasant

and comfortable. Ellen was very industrious and remarkable for her

prudence and neatness. She spun and churned, and tended her poultry,

and would of
en carry her butter and eggs herself to market, which

greatly added to their comfort. She had a beautiful little girl, and

they gave her the name of Lily. Things glided smoothly on until Lily

was sixteen. Edward was very fond of the violin and of reading books

that were not very useful, and as he was very fond of music, he spent

a great deal more time in making music and playing the violin than

what his wife thought profitable. Ellen loved music, and was willing

to have him read profitable books, but all this while she thought he

might be patching up the fences and improving the shed for the better

comfort of the cattle. Still she would not complain, hoping all the

time that he would see the necessity of being a little more

industrious. The winter came, and all through its dreary months he was

unable to work, as he was sick. And although Ellen worked hard, yet

her husband required so much of her attention, that all her efforts

availed not much to keep poverty out of their cottage. When the spring

came, Ellen's husband was able to be about again, and she began to

hope that Edward would be more industrious, and they would be able by

strict economy to repair the loss occasioned by his winter's illness,

which had put them so far behind-hand. Edward had become lazy or

disheartened. Affairs about the house continued to grow worse; his

farm was ill worked or neglected, and by the fall, his horse and oxen

had to go for necessary expenses. Ellen still kept her cows, but it

was now very little help she received from her husband. He had been

formerly one of the most temperate of men, but now he spent his days

from home; and here lay Ellen's deepest sorrow. He was often at the

village tavern, wasting in senseless riot the time, health and means

that God had given him for other purposes. Ellen felt sad, and in the

next story you will see a painful scene in the life of

