It is a mark of a good scholar to be prompt and studious. Such were
the habits of little Jane Sumner. She was the youngest of three
sisters and from her first being able to read, she was very fond of
reading; and at school her teacher became much interested in little
Jane on account of her interest in study, and the promptness she
manifested in reciting her lessons. Jane had a quiet little home and
was allowed consider
ble time for study, although she hid to devote
some time in assisting her mother about house.
There was a very fine garden attached to Mrs. Sumner's residence,
where she took much pleasure in cultivating the flowers. In the centre
of the garden was built a summer house all covered over with grape
vine. The broad leaves of the vine made a refreshing shade to it, and
thereby shielded the warm sun from persons under it. This little
summer house Jane frequently occupied for her study. In the picture
you see her with book in hand getting her lesson. She arose very early
in the morning, and by this means gained much time.
Up in the morning early,
By daylights earliest ray,
With our books prepared to study
The lessons of the day.
Little Jane, for her industry and good scholarship, obtained quite a
number of "rewards of merit," which her school mates said she justly
deserved. There is one of them with these lines:
For conduct good and lessons learned,
Your teacher can commend;
Good scholarship has richly earned
This tribute from your friend.
On one day, she came running home very much pleased with her card,
which her teacher gave herself and her little sister Emma, for their
good conduct and attention to their studies. The card contained these
See, Father! mother, see!
To my sister and me,
Has our teacher given a card,
To show that we have studied hard.
To you we think it must be pleasant,
To see us both with such a present.
Every good boy and girl will be rewarded, and all such as are
studious, and respectful to their teachers, will always get a reward.
God never allowed any man to do nothing. How miserable is the
condition of those men who spend their time as if it were _given_
them, and not lent.--_Bishop Hall_.