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A Bargain In Horns
By Monseigneur De Fiennes. _Of a labourer who found a man with his wife, and forwent his revenge for a certain quantity of wheat, but his wife insisted that he should complete the work he had begun._ There lived formerly, in the district of L...
A Cure For The Plague
By Monseigneur De Villiers. _Of a girl who was ill of the plague and caused the death of three men who lay with her, and how the fourth was saved, and she also._ In the year of the pardons of Rome (*) just past, the plague was so great and te...
A Good Dog
_Of a foolish and rich village cure who buried his dog in the church-yard; for which cause he was summoned before his Bishop, and how he gave 60 gold crowns to the Bishop, and what the Bishop said to him--which you will find related here._ List...
A Good Remedy
By Monseigneur De Beaumont. _Of a good merchant of Brabant whose wife was very ill, and he supposing that she was about to die, after many remonstrances and exhortations for the salvation of her soul, asked her pardon, and she pardoned him all hi...
A Great Chemical Discovery
Walking along the Strand one evening last year towards Pall Mall, I was accosted near Charing Cross Station by a strange-looking, middle-aged man in a poor suit of clothes, who surprised and startled me by asking if I could tell him from what inn ...
A Husband In Hiding
By Alardin. _Of a poor, simple peasant married to a nice, pleasant woman, who did much as she liked, and who in order that she might be alone with her lover, shut up her husband in the pigeon-house in the manner you will hear._ In a pretty, ...
A Rod For Another's Back
By The Seneschal Of Guyenne. _Of a citizen of Tours who bought a lamprey which he sent to his wife to cook in order that he might give a feast to the priest, and the said wife sent it to a Cordelier, who was her lover, and how she made a woman wh...
A Sacrifice To The Devil
By Monseigneur _Of a jealous rogue, who after many offerings made to divers saints to cure him of his jealousy, offered a candle to the devil who is usually painted under the feet of St. Michael; and of the dream that he had and what happened to ...
An Episode In High Life
Sir Henry Vardon, K.C.B., electrician to the Admiralty, whose title, as everybody knows, was gazetted some six weeks since, is at this moment the youngest living member of the British knighthood. He is now only just thirty, and he has obtained his...
At Work
By Monseigneur De La Roche. _Of a squire who saw his mistress, whom he greatly loved, between two other gentlemern, and did not notice that she had hold of both of them till another knight informed him of the matter as you will hear._ A kind ...
Between Two Stools
By Monseigneur De Waurin. _Of a noble knight who was in love with a beautiful young married lady, and thought himself in her good graces, and also in those of another lady, her neighbour; but lost both as is afterwards recorded._ As all the s...
Beyond The Mark
By Monseigneur De Lannoy. _Of a shepherd who made an agreement with a shepherdess that he should mount upon her "in order that he might see farther," but was not to penetrate beyond a mark which she herself made with her hand upon the instrument ...
Bids And Biddings
By Monseigneur De Launoy. _Of a number of boon companions making good cheer and drinking at a tavern, and how one of them had a quarrel with his wife when he returned home, as you will hear._ A number of good fellows had once assembled to mak...
Both Well Served
By Monseigneur De Saint Pol. _Of a knight who, whilst he was waiting for his mistress amused himself three times with her maid, who had been sent to keep him company that he might not be dull; and afterwards amused himself three times with the la...
I. The first time I ever met Ernest Carvalho was just before the regimental dance at Newcastle. I had ridden up the Port Royal mountains that same morning from our decaying sugar estate in the Liguanca plain, and I was to stop in cantonments wi...
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The Bagpipe
A Good Remedy
The Armed Cuckold
How The Nun Paid For The Pears
The Devil's Share
Both Well Served
A Good Dog
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Good Measure! [80]
Nailed! [85]
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Dr Greatrex's Engagement
A Great Chemical Discovery
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Ram Das Of Cawnpore