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All Stories Page 7
The Right Moment
By Mahiot D'auquesnes. _Of a damsel of Maubeuge who gave herself up to a waggoner, and refused many noble lovers; and of the reply that she made to a noble knight because he reproached her for this--as you will hear._ A noble knight of Flanders...
The Scarlet Backside
By Pierre David. _Of one who saw his wife with a man to whom she gave the whole of her body, except her backside, which she left for her husband and he made her dress one day when his friends were present in a woollen gown on the backside of whic...
The Scotsman Turned Washerwoman
By Monseigneur De La Roche. _Of a young Scotsman who was disguised as a woman for the space of fourteen years, and by that means slept with many girls and married women, but was punished in the end, as you will hear._ None of the preceding st...
The Search For The Ring
By Monseigneur de la Roche _Of the deceit practised by a knight on a miller's wife whom he made believe that her front was loose, and fastened it many times. And the miller informed of this, searched for a diamond that the knight's lady had lost,...
The Senior Proctor's Wooing:
A TALE OF TWO CONTINENTS. I. I was positively blinded. I could hardly read the note, a neatly written little square sheet of paper; and the words seemed to swim before my eyes. It was in the very thick of summer term, and I, Cyril Payne, M.A....
The Sick Lover
By Poncelet. _Of a lord who pretended to be sick in order that he might lie with the servant maid, with whom his wife found him._ In the town of St. Omer there lived formerly a a good fellow, sergeant to the king, who was married to a good an...
The Sleeveless Robe
By Alardin. _Of a gentleman of Flanders, who went to reside in France, but whilst he was there his mother was very ill in Flanders; and how he often went to visit her believing that she would die, and what he said and how he behaved, as you will ...
The Sore Finger Cured
By Philippe De Laon. _Of a monk who feigned to be very ill and in danger of death, that he might obtain the favours of a certain young woman in the manner which is described hereafter._ It is usually the case, thank God, that in many religiou...
The Three Cordeliers
By Monsigneur De Beauvoir _Of three merchants of Savoy who went on a pilgrimage to St. Anthony in Bienne, (*) and who were deceived and cuckolded by three Cordeliers who slept with their wives. And how the women thought they had been with their h...
The Three Reminders
By Monseigneur De La Roche. _Of three counsels that a father when on his deathbed gave his son, but to which the son paid no heed. And how he renounced a young girl he had married, because he saw her lying with the family chaplain the first night...
The Unfortunate Lovers
By The Editor. _Of a knight of this kingdom and his wife, who had a fair daughter aged fifteen or sixteen. Her father would have married her to a rich old knight, his neighbour, but she ran away with another knight, a young man who loved her hono...
The Use Of Dirty Water
By Monseigneur De La Roche. _Of a jealous man who recorded all the tricks which he could hear or learn by which wives had deceived their husbands in old times; but at last he was deceived by means of dirty water which the lover of the said lady t...
The Virtuous Lady With Two Husbands
By Monseigneur. _Of a noble knight of Flanders, who was married to a beautiful and noble lady. He was for many years a prisoner in Turkey, during which time his good and loving wife was, by the importunities of her friends, induced to marry anoth...
The Waggoner In The Bear
By Monseigneur _Of a goldsmith of Paris who made a waggoner sleep with him and his wife, and how the waggoner dallied with her from behind, which the goldsmith perceived and discovered, and of the words which he spake to the waggoner._ A gol...
The Woman At The Bath
By Philippe De Laon. _Of an inn-keeper at Saint Omer who put to his son a question for which he was afterwards sorry when he heard the reply, at which his wife was much ashamed, as you will hear, later._ Some time ago I was at Saint Omer with...
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