On a summer's evening about half an hour after bed time, as three

little brothers lay talking together they heard a gentle footstep on

the stairs. It was their sister Lucy. "Are you asleep," she asked.

"No, we are not asleep," cried the boys.

"I have brought something to show you" said Lucy, and going into the

darkest corner of the room, she opened her hand and the boys saw

something sparkle
like a diamond or a star.

"What is it," cried little Frank, jumping out of bed and running to

look. Lucy held out her hand, but told him not to touch it.

"Oh, it moves! It moves!" said he "It must be something alive."

"Ah!" said John, "it is a glow worm. I saw one last summer on a bank

in Sand Lee."

"Take care," said Frank, "that it does not burn the counterpane." The

two elder brothers laughed; but Lucy reminded them that they would

most likely have fallen into the same mistake, if they had not been

taught that the glow worm's light, though it shines so brightly, does

not burn. To convince Frank she told him to hold out his hand. The

little boy felt afraid, but as he knew that Lucy never deceived him,

he put out his hand, and soon, to his great delight, the harmless

glow worm lay in his hand. Lucy promised to tell him something about

the glow worm another time. Frank went back to his bed, and Lucy bid

her brothers good night, promising to put the prize under a glass on

the lawn.

So night after night, for weeks, the three boys saw the twinkling

light of the glow worm on the dewy grass. One evening they began to

quarrel about it, and none but little Frank was willing to give up his

claim to it. It grieved him to hear his brothers quarrelling and

saying unkind words to each other; and he also thought that the poor

glow worm ought not to be kept a prisoner under the glass, instead of

flying over the green turf or mossy bank. But when he tried to bring

John and Robert to the same opinion, they would not hear to him. So

Lucy, who was a kind sister, when she found that the pleasure she had

procured for them was the occasion of their naughty conduct, sat down

by the window and told them to remember that God, who made the glow

worm and caused its light to shine, could see them in their chamber,

and hear every sinful word. John and Robert felt the force of their

sister's words, and settled their quarrel without delay, and they gave

Frank permission to go early in the morning and let the imprisoned

glow worm creep away.

